hyperventilation or terlebih oksigenn
assalamualaikumm..wiwin nak share ngan korang sal 1 pnyaitt nie...haha..bcer tau..tapi kner pandi2 la translate sndiri k !jap ea 1
Hyperventilation or overbreathing is the state of increased respiratory rate in a person, [1] being inappropriately high in regard to the respiratory drive from carbon dioxide, [2] or causing inappropriate decrease of it. [3] It can result from a psychological state such as a panic attack, from a physiological condition such as metabolic acidosis, or can be brought about by lifestyle risk factors or voluntarily as in the yogic practice of Bhastrika. It often occurs together with labored breathing, which, in contrast, can also be a response to increased carbon dioxide levels.
Hyperventilation can, but does not necessarily always cause symptoms such as numbness or tingling in the hands, feet and lips, lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, chest pain, slurred speech, nervous laughter, and sometimes fainting, particularly when accompanied by the Valsalva maneuver.
Counterintuitively, such effects are not precipitated by the sufferer's lack of oxygen or air. Rather, the hyperventilation itself reduces the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood to below its normal level because one is expiring more carbon dioxide than being produced in the body, thereby raising the blood's pH value (making it more alkaline), initiating constriction of the blood vessels which supply the brain, and preventing the transport of oxygen and other molecules necessary for the function of the nervous system. [4]
Stress or anxiety commonly are causes of hyperventilation; this is known as hyperventilation syndrome however is a diagnosis of exclusion. [5] Hyperventilation can also be brought about voluntarily, by taking many deep breaths in rapid succession. Hyperventilation can also occur as a consequence of various lung diseases, head injury, or stroke ( central neurogenic hyperventilation, apneustic respirations, ataxic respiration, Cheyne-Stokes respirations or Biot's respiration) and various lifestyle causes. Lastly, in the case of metabolic acidosis, the body uses hyperventilation as a compensatory mechanism to decrease acidity of the blood. In the setting of diabetic ketoacidosis, this is known as Kussmaul breathing - characterized by long, deep breaths.
Hyperventilation can also occur when someone exercises over their VO2 max, when they're unable to transform oxygen into energy beyond a certain level but hyperventilates in an effort to do so.
In very general terms, hyperventilation is an increased alveolar ventilation. This not to be confused with the term hyperpnea which pertains to an increased minute ventilation.
Hyperventilation is not the same as hyperpnea. In hyperpnea, increased ventilation is appropriate for a metabolic acidotic state, this is also known as respiratory compensation. Whereas in hyperventilation, increased ventilation is inappropriate for the metabolic state of blood plasma.
In normal breathing, both the depth and frequency of breaths are varied by the neural (or, nervous) system, primarily in order to maintain normal amounts of carbon dioxide but also to supply appropriate levels of oxygen to the body's tissues. This is mainly achieved by measuring the carbon dioxide content of the blood; normally, a high carbon dioxide concentration signals a low oxygen concentration, as we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide at the same time, and the body's cells use oxygen to burn fuel molecules, making carbon dioxide as a by-product. Normal minute ventilation is generally 5-8 liters of air per minute at rest for a 70-kg man.
If carbon dioxide levels are high, the body assumes that oxygen levels are low, and accordingly, the brain's blood vessels dilate to assure sufficient blood flow and supply of oxygen. Conversely, low carbon dioxide levels cause the brain's blood vessels to constrict, resulting in reduced blood flow to the brain and lightheadedness.
The gases in the alveoli of the lungs are nearly in equilibrium with the gases in the blood. Normally, less than 10% of the gas in the alveoli is replaced with each breath taken. Deeper or quicker breaths as in hyperventilation exchange more of the alveolar gas with ambient air and have the net effect of expelling more carbon dioxide from the body, since the carbon dioxide concentration in normal air is very low.
This alkalinization of the blood causes vessels to constrict ( vasoconstriction); it is theorized that myofibrillar calcium sensitivity is increased in the presence of high pH value.
The high pH value resulting from hyperventilation also reduces the level of available calcium ( hypocalcemia), which affects the nerves and muscles, causing constriction of blood vessels and tingling. This occurs because alkalinization of the plasma proteins (mainly albumin) increases their calcium binding affinity, thereby reducing free ionized calcium levels in the blood. Therefore, low levels of carbon dioxide can cause tetany by altering the albumin binding of calcium such that the ionised (physiologically influencing) fraction of calcium is reduced.
Therefore, there are two main mechanisms that contribute to the cerebral vasoconstriction that is responsible for the lightheadedness, parasthesia, and fainting often seen with hyperventilation. One mechanism is that low carbon dioxide ( hypocapnia) causes increased blood pH level ( respiratory alkalosis), which causes blood vessels to constrict. The other mechanism is that the alkalosis causes decreased freely ionized blood calcium, thereby causing cell membrane instability and subsequent vasoconstriction and parasthesia.
Hyperventilation can be useful in the management of head trauma. After head injuries fluids can leak into the cranial vault, thus elevating intracranial pressure. Since the total cranial volume is relatively fixed, and the brain is much more compressible than the skull, in settings of increased intracranial pressure, the brain is preferentially compressed and damaged. Hyperventilation, and the resultant cerebral vasoconstriction, is useful in this situation, since it decreases the volume of blood in the brain. Less blood volume in the cranial cavity results in less pressure compressing the brain. However, this vasoconstriction comes at the cost of reducing blood flow to the brain, which can potentially result in ischemic damage. [6]
ok wiwin raser nie jerkk kott nak share ngan readers skalian...malas la nk pkir agy...ni dedc8 to QEYRA SHAKIRAH..kbai!
Firework – Katy Perry « Song & Lyrics
Firework – Katy Perry « Song & Lyricssaya bwu blaja
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera..ary nie wiwin nak share ckit ngan korang sumer !..wiwin ary nie edittkan blog kawan wiwin..haha...ta la secantikk mner jdiiknyer.....ni ha header yg wiwin wat tok die bnykk tau...jap ea !
nie yg ade kat blog dier skunk..ader agy jap
yg nie header first,,tapi beso sangadd so ta jdikk la..
haha..ape la..ta pandai tp sesuke jerk wat kan heder orang ka,..hisy wiwin ni..dasar sengall/..
k la tu jerk kott wiwin nk share
kbai !
my 4eva sayang
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera ..ary nie wiwin nak nanges la after bcer blog SAYANG wiwin nie !wiwin rindu die ,wiwin sayang die,wiwin nak die jerk,wiwin nk peluk die..ha nk bcer ta sal wiwin kat dier nyer blog ?jap..ha lari g cni sayang wiwin ....
ha,yang kat atas uh sayang wiwin,,heyy wiwin bukan lesbian la,,tapy tuh bfffff wiwin and die gak lesbo wiwin..haha..sengal la pompuan nie,..sepak kang..haha..wiwin sayang die sebab
1.sebab die baikk
2.sebab die chumell
3.sebab die caring
3.sebab wiwin sayang die la
4.wiwin sayang sesangadd kat die.
5.sebab wiwin sangadd sayang kat die..
awak,lau saya da ta der dekatt dengan awak ,awak jger diri tau..ingat ni..SAYA SAYANG AWAK SAMPAI BILER2...
ha !korang nak tngokk ta saper orang yg wiwin sayang sangadd tuh ?jap ea !tapi korang kner pomise ngan wiwin,jangan amikk die dri wiwin,,,law amik dier dary wiwin..wiwin penggal kepale die..haha main masak-masak
asalamualaikum n selamat sejahtera..ary nie wiwin nk potpet sa l masak..berdasarkan entry kat ats uh,itu hnyer bayangan shaja.parents wiwin ta der kat umah selama 3 ary.so wiwin jdii tuan beso la ..haha hayy gembira lak si wiwin ni..da jdikk tuan beso ta der sper nk masak..so kner masakk sndiri la...ary ni menu special wiwin masakk..sdap nyer,,smpi jilat pinggan nyer...ary nie wiwin masak dagimg burger masak kicap n syur kubis goreng..haha tah paper jerk la kan..tu jerk yg wiwin jmper dalam peti eis..haha..so first potong daging burger uh,pad uh goreng dluw..pas uh panas kan minyak wiin g cmpkk bawang..perghh,,kner tangan ,,,sakit tau!!!pas uh da setel masak daging burger masak kicap uh,wiwin goreng sayur....alolo...sayur tuh sdapp sangad(ayat memerli)haha...da masak suemr uh g la tngokk af,..da abisz af uh,...g solat jap..pas uh prut da bnyikk drum aper da ta tau la,..pas uh aper agy,,tros la g amikk pinggan cedok nasi ltk daging burger uh ltkk sayur,,makan la dengan lahabnyer...hish aper la pompuan ni...ta mcm anak dara enismail btol..haha..da lapo la,,nk wat cm ner..tapi tade la lahab cm orng ta pnh makn,..makn la gak slow2...da siap dlm aty wiwin berkater..haisy,,sdp gak aq masak..haha..blushing giler pompuan nie...heyy nk kner pnampar free ea ?haha...pas uh tdi ibu wiwin tepon...wiwin ckp la wiwin masak pas uh ibu wiwin ta cyer..ta cyer ta pe la ibu ..fine:(..hehe..last2 ibu wiwin cyer gak...hah jgn dipandang rendah anak ibu nie..walau jarang memasak..tapi d apegang sudip,,sedapp nyer sumer,..haha..blushing agy la...wawawa..wiwin sker masak la,.tapi tkot t kner agy minyakk kat tangan..hehe,,,gedik nyer pompuan..haha..k la ..wiwin nak wat hw la..ta siap2 agy...biaserla..malas la kter kan...hehehe...kbai! mok su ?
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera .heyy, berdasarkan tajuk entry kali nie ,bkn wiwin nak mara sal mok su wiwin but wiwin nak cer ckit ,mok su ?haha ,wiwin mmg da jdikk mok su ,tp kali ini wiwin di tambah agy dengan seorng anak sedara ,anak sedara wiwin yg first very cute gurlz, .nk tngokk ta picx nyer ? jap ea ,ta darrr
ha ,kat ats nie la anak sedara wiwin yg first ,hah comey kan cm mok su dier !,haha terblushing la si wiwin ni .sepak kang ,haha..akq wiwin bwu bg tau ibu wiwin pgy tdy..akq wiwin kner msok hospital...cian die..dier kter jantung dier berdegup laju !.hah msty korang ta paham kan ?act wiwin ponn ta paham..haha..wat2 jerk la paham tu kan !akq wiwin nie plik tau,lau skiyt ckit msty ader jerk pnyakit len yg dtg ,hish akq sper la..haha..akq wiwin la,ta kan la akq korang,akq wiwin kawen last year bln 12.lmer kan bwu pegnent.haha,sengal la wiwin ni..k la,.wiwin rser cmpi cni jerk nk potpet ngan korang..bye dear,..
no one know who really am i
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera,..ary nie wiwin nk bebel c kit,berdasarkan tajuk eantry kat ats,wiwin nk cer sal wiwin sendiri.,wiwin ta penah tnjukk kat orng cm ner wiwin bad mood giler kat seseorng uh ! tapy apa kan daya, wiwin slalu tngokk ramai yg mnunjukkan bad mood nyer kat wiwin , ea pkir mker cntek la wat mker bad mood uh , segal jerk tau ta?wiwin very hate people with the bad mood face , sakiyt aty tau arkk..>.< arghh,,wiwin slalu ngokk , law seseorng uh mara , die ta kan tego orng , cber tnyer diri ?knaper ?..tego kan amaln mulia ,..okay back to the entry title ,HAHA,,nper lak speakin mlm nie..mrepek la..but ta pe la..ske aty wiwin la,NO ONE KNOW WHO REALLY AM I:SHAFRISYAZWINA AQILAH......okay,wiwin nk kap,law wiwin mara tahap gile nk maty,wiwin sekurang kurang nyer sedar wiwin mara kat saper ! just a human right ? tu yg slalu dtg kat pikiran wiwin time wiwin mngamukk,but wiwin sdeyh sangad , nper kawan2 wiwin law mara kat wiwin ta pnh ingt uh ,?WIWIN SDEYH ..ta der saper syg wiwin..pas uh , pling giler sakit aty ,wiwin akan pikir dluw b4 nk sound orng,tp orng ta pnh pkir dluw ker per ha ?b4 nk sound wiwin. . wiwin tau la wiwin mulut lepas, ,tapy sekurang kurang nyer after wiwin ckp wiwin akan say SORRY,nie ta ?da sound orng bla ngan mker da berjaya mmbunuh orng.,pergh sakit tol aty nie..then,law mntkk tolong ,.cber korang pikir..ayt ni..SENANG LUPER ORANG,SSH CARI ORANG ,NK AKAN DICARI ORNG TUH TA NK DI BUANG KAT DALAM MAGKUK TANDaS...ea kelaut la =='...wiwin ta tau la,nper human is being like this.cber la pkir orng...haaa..wiwin nk share ngan korang nie,,ibu wiwin said"eila.kamu ni asyik pikir orang jerk,orang len ader pkir kamu ?ta derk kan ! sebab tuh jadikk cm niyh...dlm aty wiwin,cian la kat orang len law ta pkir orng...ngokk ue,,ibu wiwin pon mara,..ish da mmg naseb wiwin kott!!ala,,ta pe la....
to my friends,and all the readers,,if korang SAYANG kawan korang,pkir la prasaan dierorng b4 korang nk maki dierorng skaliponn...wiwin rser kan ,,smpi c ni jerk kott...okayhla..bye sumer..syg korang sangadd bilik pecah..bushhhhh
assalamualaikum semua..ape kabo??..ary nie wiwin nk share ngan korang ape yg wiwin wat kat dlm bilik ni terperukk jerk 24 hour...wiwin kat dlm nie wat ....ape la bnder tok student nie wat time olidate??mstilah mnyelesaikan utang2 dri cikgu kann!!arghh bnykk sangadd la omwerk yg cikgu bgi..pnadd la...smpi ibu ngan ayah pon bising ta kuar bilik..tngokk,ta kuar bilik mara..tngokk tv mara,,ish ta tau la nk wat ape!!!da la mls wiwin nk bebel pnjng2..nah amikk ni pic yg wiwin snap after wat omwerk mlm td..da kms bwu nk snap..hehe~ my school work. kiri:school work,kanan:ostek work OUTDOOR PINK wiwin yg ta dijge smentare wktu
beg2 ku yg ku ltk hw yg da setel
sentiase kner ader kat sebelah wiwin..
nmpkk ta ade wet kat c2....jtoh dri lmpu..haha~
box,card reader.mp3.my pilot.my qyrachain and my sweetty.
bkn wishlist tau..but hopedonelist..nie list omwerk wiwin la,,,nmpk ta??bnykkn!!
n lastly ...the sengal gurl...kol 3 pgy ni..mker bgantukk glier..
wiwin rser tue jerk kott wiwin nk share ary nie...bowinkk la wat hw..ni snap pic ni..ngee~..hehe.. from me...
she said she in pain
assalamualaikum dan salam 1 blogger..ary ni wiwin nk cerita 1cer... td wiwin bertemu dengan seorang rakan wiwin.wiwin rindu sangad dekat die.die sebahagian dri hidop wiwin.kterorng borak nyer borak.,tetiber dia bertanya sesuatu yang sangad mengejutkan.nak tau ta ape yg die tanya?die kater cam ni..."qila,law kter sakit,agak2 kter nk g aner??"pas ue wiwin cakap la.."awak,nper tetiber awak tnyer cm uh?,awak sehat taa??"die snyp jerk ta ckp..pas ue tetiber die ckp cm ni.."qila,saya sakit sangad sekarang ni,saya ta nk bgtau sper2.kter ta nk parents kter tau..kter taa nak mnyusahkan dieorang."wiwin tnyer la dier sakit aper.die cakap dada die sakit sangad.ssh nk bernafas.die ckp die cm nk pitam jerk skunk.pas ue tetibe die bngon pas ue die cm mlayang,pas ue bushh jtoh kat kaki wiwin,.terkejut berok la kat c2.  abaikan beruk diatas.wiwin blur pas ue tros call parents dier.pas ue parents die dtg.pas ue parents die bwk die g ospital.wiwin wat mker cool jerk kat c2..pdhl dalam aty nie,tuhan jerk tau.kat ospital uedokter kter ta der paper kott,,..pergh,aper seyh,mker die pucat.kter ta der paper.ish3.WTE la.pas ue parents die bwk die blik then die rset kat umh jerk.so.wiwin felt satisfied sangadd.die da oke kott skunk..
About Me

Blog Name ;Whatever it is.
My name is shafrisyazwina aqilah bt ismail , okay tahu susah nak sebut kan , okay selain uhh , bolee panggil saya wiwin <3 , i'm 14 years old on 2011 , 15 years old when 2012 , warghh , dahh nak mpr lahh
kankan , herm , apa nak cakap lkagi ? ha , birthday wiwin 24/10/1997 ehh , kalau baik hati pos kat rumah present , eh joke jerk :* , herm , k lahh , bye muahh <3

1.wiwin nak 8A's pmr
2.wiwin nak dslr :)
3.wiwin nak samsung note :)
4.wiwin dah tercapai FULL DECLAIR dengan qeyra :)
5.wiwin nak berjaya didunia dan diakhirat :)
hyperventilation or terlebih oksigenn
assalamualaikumm..wiwin nak share ngan korang sal 1 pnyaitt nie...haha..bcer tau..tapi kner pandi2 la translate sndiri k !jap ea 1
Hyperventilation or
overbreathing is the state of increased
respiratory rate in a person,
[1] being inappropriately high in regard to the
respiratory drive from
carbon dioxide,
[2] or causing inappropriate decrease of it.
[3] It can result from a psychological state such as a
panic attack, from a physiological condition such as
metabolic acidosis, or can be brought about by lifestyle risk factors or voluntarily as in the yogic practice of
Bhastrika. It often occurs together with
labored breathing, which, in contrast, can also be a response to
increased carbon dioxide levels.
Hyperventilation can, but does not necessarily always cause symptoms such as
numbness or tingling in the hands, feet and lips,
lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, chest pain, slurred speech, nervous laughter, and sometimes
fainting, particularly when accompanied by the
Valsalva maneuver.
Counterintuitively, such effects are not precipitated by the sufferer's lack of oxygen or air. Rather, the hyperventilation itself reduces the
carbon dioxide concentration of the
blood to below its normal level because one is expiring more
carbon dioxide than being produced in the body, thereby raising the blood's
pH value (making it more alkaline), initiating constriction of the blood vessels which supply the brain, and preventing the transport of oxygen and other molecules necessary for the function of the
nervous system.
Stress or
anxiety commonly are causes of hyperventilation; this is known as
hyperventilation syndrome however is a
diagnosis of exclusion.
[5] Hyperventilation can also be brought about voluntarily, by taking many deep breaths in rapid succession. Hyperventilation can also occur as a consequence of various
lung diseases, head injury, or
stroke (
central neurogenic hyperventilation,
apneustic respirations,
ataxic respiration,
Cheyne-Stokes respirations or
Biot's respiration) and various lifestyle causes. Lastly, in the case of metabolic
acidosis, the body uses hyperventilation as a compensatory mechanism to decrease acidity of the blood. In the setting of
diabetic ketoacidosis, this is known as
Kussmaul breathing - characterized by long, deep breaths.
Hyperventilation can also occur when someone exercises over their
VO2 max, when they're unable to transform oxygen into energy beyond a certain level but hyperventilates in an effort to do so.
In very general terms, hyperventilation is an increased alveolar ventilation. This not to be confused with the term hyperpnea which pertains to an increased minute ventilation.
Hyperventilation is not the same as
hyperpnea. In hyperpnea, increased ventilation is
appropriate for a metabolic acidotic state, this is also known as respiratory compensation. Whereas in hyperventilation, increased ventilation is
inappropriate for the metabolic state of blood plasma.
In normal breathing, both the depth and frequency of breaths are varied by the neural (or, nervous) system, primarily in order to maintain normal amounts of carbon dioxide but also to supply appropriate levels of oxygen to the body's tissues. This is mainly achieved by measuring the carbon dioxide content of the blood; normally, a high carbon dioxide concentration signals a low oxygen concentration, as we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide at the same time, and the body's cells use oxygen to burn fuel molecules, making carbon dioxide as a by-product. Normal
minute ventilation is generally 5-8 liters of air per minute at rest for a 70-kg man.
If carbon dioxide levels are high, the body assumes that oxygen levels are low, and accordingly, the brain's blood vessels dilate to assure sufficient blood flow and supply of oxygen. Conversely, low carbon dioxide levels cause the brain's blood vessels to constrict, resulting in reduced blood flow to the brain and lightheadedness.
The gases in the
alveoli of the lungs are nearly in equilibrium with the gases in the
blood. Normally, less than 10% of the gas in the alveoli is replaced with each breath taken. Deeper or quicker breaths as in hyperventilation exchange more of the alveolar gas with ambient air and have the net effect of expelling more carbon dioxide from the body, since the carbon dioxide concentration in normal air is very low.
This alkalinization of the blood causes vessels to constrict (
vasoconstriction); it is theorized that
myofibrillar calcium sensitivity is increased in the presence of high pH value.
The high pH value resulting from hyperventilation also reduces the level of available
calcium (
hypocalcemia), which affects the nerves and muscles, causing constriction of blood vessels and tingling. This occurs because alkalinization of the plasma proteins (mainly
albumin) increases their calcium binding affinity, thereby reducing free ionized calcium levels in the blood. Therefore, low levels of carbon dioxide can cause
tetany by altering the albumin binding of calcium such that the ionised (physiologically influencing) fraction of calcium is reduced.
Therefore, there are two main mechanisms that contribute to the cerebral vasoconstriction that is responsible for the
parasthesia, and
fainting often seen with hyperventilation. One mechanism is that low carbon dioxide (
hypocapnia) causes increased blood pH level (
respiratory alkalosis), which causes blood vessels to constrict. The other mechanism is that the alkalosis causes decreased freely ionized blood calcium, thereby causing cell membrane instability and subsequent vasoconstriction and parasthesia.
Hyperventilation can be useful in the management of head trauma. After head injuries fluids can leak into the cranial vault, thus elevating intracranial pressure. Since the total cranial volume is relatively fixed, and the brain is much more compressible than the skull, in settings of increased intracranial pressure, the brain is preferentially compressed and damaged. Hyperventilation, and the resultant cerebral vasoconstriction, is useful in this situation, since it decreases the volume of blood in the brain. Less blood volume in the cranial cavity results in less pressure compressing the brain. However, this vasoconstriction comes at the cost of reducing blood flow to the brain, which can potentially result in ischemic damage.
ok wiwin raser nie jerkk kott nak share ngan readers skalian...malas la nk pkir agy...ni dedc8 to QEYRA SHAKIRAH..kbai!
Firework – Katy Perry « Song & Lyrics
Firework – Katy Perry « Song & Lyricssaya bwu blaja
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera..ary nie wiwin nak share ckit ngan korang sumer !..wiwin ary nie edittkan blog kawan wiwin..haha...ta la secantikk mner jdiiknyer.....ni ha header yg wiwin wat tok die bnykk tau...jap ea !
nie yg ade kat blog dier skunk..ader agy jap
yg nie header first,,tapi beso sangadd so ta jdikk la..
haha..ape la..ta pandai tp sesuke jerk wat kan heder orang ka,..hisy wiwin ni..dasar sengall/..
k la tu jerk kott wiwin nk share
kbai !
my 4eva sayang
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera ..ary nie wiwin nak nanges la after bcer blog SAYANG wiwin nie !wiwin rindu die ,wiwin sayang die,wiwin nak die jerk,wiwin nk peluk die..ha nk bcer ta sal wiwin kat dier nyer blog ?jap..ha lari g cni
sayang wiwin ....
ha,yang kat atas uh sayang wiwin,,heyy wiwin bukan lesbian la,,tapy tuh bfffff wiwin and die gak lesbo wiwin..haha..sengal la pompuan nie,..sepak kang..haha..wiwin sayang die sebab
1.sebab die baikk
2.sebab die chumell
3.sebab die caring
3.sebab wiwin sayang die la
4.wiwin sayang sesangadd kat die.
5.sebab wiwin sangadd sayang kat die..
awak,lau saya da ta der dekatt dengan awak ,awak jger diri tau..ingat ni..SAYA SAYANG AWAK SAMPAI BILER2...
ha !korang nak tngokk ta saper orang yg wiwin sayang sangadd tuh ?jap ea !tapi korang kner pomise ngan wiwin,jangan amikk die dri wiwin,,,law amik dier dary wiwin..wiwin penggal kepale die..haha
main masak-masak
asalamualaikum n selamat sejahtera..ary nie wiwin nk potpet sa l masak..berdasarkan entry kat ats uh,itu hnyer bayangan shaja.parents wiwin ta der kat umah selama 3 ary.so wiwin jdii tuan beso la ..haha hayy gembira lak si wiwin ni..da jdikk tuan beso ta der sper nk masak..so kner masakk sndiri la...ary ni menu special wiwin masakk..sdap nyer,,smpi jilat pinggan nyer...ary nie wiwin masak dagimg burger masak kicap n syur kubis goreng..haha tah paper jerk la kan..tu jerk yg wiwin jmper dalam peti eis..haha..so first potong daging burger uh,pad uh goreng dluw..pas uh panas kan minyak wiin g cmpkk bawang..perghh,,kner tangan ,,,sakit tau!!!pas uh da setel masak daging burger masak kicap uh,wiwin goreng sayur....alolo...sayur tuh sdapp sangad(ayat memerli)haha...da masak suemr uh g la tngokk af,..da abisz af uh,...g solat jap..pas uh prut da bnyikk drum aper da ta tau la,..pas uh aper agy,,tros la g amikk pinggan cedok nasi ltk daging burger uh ltkk sayur,,makan la dengan lahabnyer...hish aper la pompuan ni...ta mcm anak dara enismail btol..haha..da lapo la,,nk wat cm ner..tapi tade la lahab cm orng ta pnh makn,..makn la gak slow2...da siap dlm aty wiwin berkater..haisy,,sdp gak aq masak..haha..blushing giler pompuan nie...heyy nk kner pnampar free ea ?haha...pas uh tdi ibu wiwin tepon...wiwin ckp la wiwin masak pas uh ibu wiwin ta cyer..ta cyer ta pe la ibu ..fine:(..hehe..last2 ibu wiwin cyer gak...hah jgn dipandang rendah anak ibu nie..walau jarang memasak..tapi d apegang sudip,,sedapp nyer sumer,..haha..blushing agy la...wawawa..wiwin sker masak la,.tapi tkot t kner agy minyakk kat tangan..hehe,,,gedik nyer pompuan..haha..k la ..wiwin nak wat hw la..ta siap2 agy...biaserla..malas la kter kan...hehehe...kbai!
mok su ?
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera .heyy, berdasarkan tajuk entry kali nie ,bkn wiwin nak mara sal mok su wiwin but wiwin nak cer ckit ,mok su ?haha ,wiwin mmg da jdikk mok su ,tp kali ini wiwin di tambah agy dengan seorng anak sedara ,anak sedara wiwin yg first very cute gurlz, .nk tngokk ta picx nyer ? jap ea ,ta darrr
ha ,kat ats nie la anak sedara wiwin yg first ,hah comey kan cm mok su dier !,haha terblushing la si wiwin ni .sepak kang ,haha..akq wiwin bwu bg tau ibu wiwin pgy tdy..akq wiwin kner msok hospital...cian die..dier kter jantung dier berdegup laju !.hah msty korang ta paham kan ?act wiwin ponn ta paham..haha..wat2 jerk la paham tu kan !akq wiwin nie plik tau,lau skiyt ckit msty ader jerk pnyakit len yg dtg ,hish akq sper la..haha..akq wiwin la,ta kan la akq korang,akq wiwin kawen last year bln 12.lmer kan bwu pegnent.haha,sengal la wiwin ni..k la,.wiwin rser cmpi cni jerk nk potpet ngan korang..bye dear,..
no one know who really am i
assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera,..ary nie wiwin nk bebel c kit,berdasarkan tajuk eantry kat ats,wiwin nk cer sal wiwin sendiri.,wiwin ta penah tnjukk kat orng cm ner wiwin bad mood giler kat seseorng uh ! tapy apa kan daya, wiwin slalu tngokk ramai yg mnunjukkan bad mood nyer kat wiwin , ea pkir mker cntek la wat mker bad mood uh , segal jerk tau ta?wiwin very hate people with the bad mood face , sakiyt aty tau arkk..>.< arghh,,wiwin slalu ngokk , law seseorng uh mara , die ta kan tego orng , cber tnyer diri ?knaper ?..tego kan amaln mulia ,..okay back to the entry title ,HAHA,,nper lak speakin mlm nie..mrepek la..but ta pe la..ske aty wiwin la,NO ONE KNOW WHO REALLY AM I:SHAFRISYAZWINA AQILAH......okay,wiwin nk kap,law wiwin mara tahap gile nk maty,wiwin sekurang kurang nyer sedar wiwin mara kat saper ! just a human right ? tu yg slalu dtg kat pikiran wiwin time wiwin mngamukk,but wiwin sdeyh sangad , nper kawan2 wiwin law mara kat wiwin ta pnh ingt uh ,?WIWIN SDEYH ..ta der saper syg wiwin..pas uh , pling giler sakit aty ,wiwin akan pikir dluw b4 nk sound orng,tp orng ta pnh pkir dluw ker per ha ?b4 nk sound wiwin. . wiwin tau la wiwin mulut lepas, ,tapy sekurang kurang nyer after wiwin ckp wiwin akan say SORRY,nie ta ?da sound orng bla ngan mker da berjaya mmbunuh orng.,pergh sakit tol aty nie..then,law mntkk tolong ,.cber korang pikir..ayt ni..SENANG LUPER ORANG,SSH CARI ORANG ,NK AKAN DICARI ORNG TUH TA NK DI BUANG KAT DALAM MAGKUK TANDaS...ea kelaut la =='...wiwin ta tau la,nper human is being like this.cber la pkir orng...haaa..wiwin nk share ngan korang nie,,ibu wiwin said"eila.kamu ni asyik pikir orang jerk,orang len ader pkir kamu ?ta derk kan ! sebab tuh jadikk cm niyh...dlm aty wiwin,cian la kat orang len law ta pkir orng...ngokk ue,,ibu wiwin pon mara,..ish da mmg naseb wiwin kott!!ala,,ta pe la....
to my friends,and all the readers,,if korang SAYANG kawan korang,pkir la prasaan dierorng b4 korang nk maki dierorng skaliponn...wiwin rser kan ,,smpi c ni jerk kott...okayhla..bye sumer..syg korang sangadd
bilik pecah..bushhhhh
assalamualaikum semua..ape kabo??..ary nie wiwin nk share ngan korang ape yg wiwin wat kat dlm bilik ni terperukk jerk 24 hour...wiwin kat dlm nie wat ....ape la bnder tok student nie wat time olidate??mstilah mnyelesaikan utang2 dri cikgu kann!!arghh bnykk sangadd la omwerk yg cikgu bgi..pnadd la...smpi ibu ngan ayah pon bising ta kuar bilik..tngokk,ta kuar bilik mara..tngokk tv mara,,ish ta tau la nk wat ape!!!da la mls wiwin nk bebel pnjng2..nah amikk ni pic yg wiwin snap after wat omwerk mlm td..da kms bwu nk snap..hehe~
my school work.
kiri:school work,kanan:ostek work
OUTDOOR PINK wiwin yg ta dijge smentare wktu
beg2 ku yg ku ltk hw yg da setel
sentiase kner ader kat sebelah wiwin..
nmpkk ta ade wet kat c2....jtoh dri lmpu..haha~
box,card reader.mp3.my pilot.my qyrachain and my sweetty.
bkn wishlist tau..but hopedonelist..nie list omwerk wiwin la,,,nmpk ta??bnykkn!!
n lastly ...the sengal gurl...kol 3 pgy ni..mker bgantukk glier..
wiwin rser tue jerk kott wiwin nk share ary nie...bowinkk la wat hw..ni snap pic ni..ngee~..hehe..
from me...
she said she in pain
assalamualaikum dan salam 1 blogger..ary ni wiwin nk cerita 1cer...
td wiwin bertemu dengan seorang rakan wiwin.wiwin rindu sangad dekat die.die sebahagian dri hidop wiwin.kterorng borak nyer borak.,tetiber dia bertanya sesuatu yang sangad mengejutkan.nak tau ta ape yg die tanya?die kater cam ni..."qila,law kter sakit,agak2 kter nk g aner??"pas ue wiwin cakap la.."awak,nper tetiber awak tnyer cm uh?,awak sehat taa??"die snyp jerk ta ckp..pas ue tetiber die ckp cm ni.."qila,saya sakit sangad sekarang ni,saya ta nk bgtau sper2.kter ta nk parents kter tau..kter taa nak mnyusahkan dieorang."wiwin tnyer la dier sakit aper.die cakap dada die sakit sangad.ssh nk bernafas.die ckp die cm nk pitam jerk skunk.pas ue tetibe die bngon pas ue die cm mlayang,pas ue bushh jtoh kat kaki wiwin,.terkejut berok la kat c2.

abaikan beruk diatas.wiwin blur pas ue tros call parents dier.pas ue parents die dtg.pas ue parents die bwk die g ospital.wiwin wat mker cool jerk kat c2..pdhl dalam aty nie,tuhan jerk tau.kat ospital uedokter kter ta der paper kott,,..pergh,aper seyh,mker die pucat.kter ta der paper.ish3.WTE la.pas ue parents die bwk die blik then die rset kat umh jerk.so.wiwin felt satisfied sangadd.die da oke kott skunk..